Thursday, February 20, 2020

Assignment for Friday, February 21, 2020

This is just a reflection piece.  And it is personal, but it doesn't commit you to any particular view of how animals fit into our lives.  Just suppose that someone was going to give you a billion dollars for eliminating from your life, possessions, lifestyle, work, play, etc., everything that caused animals pain--directly or indirectly.

In other words, suppose that you were getting a reward for finding out about and eliminating everything about your life that has any role in animal pain.

So you'd have to think very carefully:  Where is my life related to animal pain?

And I want you to answer that question with a list.

Print it out and bring it to class.

Please make sure you understand:  this is not what Singer or Frey are suggesting. 

This is purely a thought experiment, aimed to get us to see where animal pain is connected to our lives.  So it is really supposed to be your own reflections on your own actual life. 

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