Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016


Gloomy prospects for female urinals?   HERE

However, there seems to be no end of devices designed to open up "the nature."  like HERE.

And extremely exhaustive instructional videos:  like HERE.

If you're used to using mens' room urinals, try this experiment:  pee sitting down, every time, for a week.  

There are anatomical differences--I get that.  But I insist that the difference in freedom is not just anatomical.  And that matters a great deal. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Mandatory Gender Announcing

Is "gender" really compatible with equality???
A parodic (offensive) treatment of the question.  HERE

...Lynard Skynard...

New Rule Might Increase Intern Work Shift Duration

Will they be rested enough to avoid medical mistakes?  HERE

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What Do Children Owe Their Parents?

A thoughtful rumination HERE.   I'm gonna live forever.
(Caution--extremely offensive language.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Penis transplantation

You're allowed to giggle for two seconds--then think about what it means.  How is it like, and unlike, other kinds of transplantation?  Read about it HERE.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Here Comes the Office Hours

I made another thing.  To remind you about office hours.

Here's the THING
You will want to turn the volume up really HIGH.

Office Hours

Tuesdays:  9:40-11:30
Fridays:  10:10-11:30
or my appointment
or Skype at OfficeHoursCC when I'm online...

Doctors Say NO

To participating in the chemical castration of sex offenders:  HERE.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Election

Some of you have asked about my thoughts about the election.  I have several thoughts about it.  One of them is:  There's simply no conceivable way, to my mind, that Brandywine Bridge is the next crossing after the Bucklebury Ferry.  Look, it's an agricultural community.  Twenty miles!?  There's just no way.  There must be other crossings.

Another thought I had is well expressed HERE.

Assisted Suicide

Where is it legal?  You can read this, but mostly I just want you to look at the map:  HERE

How does it actually work?  Oregon is typical:  HERE

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Alternative Medicine...

Here's a story about a kid whose parents basically poisoned him.  Most of these "alternative" treatments are very old and traditional.  Is "alternative" the right word...?    HERE

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I Made a Thing During OFFICE HOURS

I made a thing during office hours.  Because no one comes to office hours.

I call it:

"Say Something, I'm Giving Up On You Coming To Office Hours"

By the way, Office Hours:

Tues  9:40-11:30
Fri  10:10-11:30
or by appointment, if those times are impossible.

Or on Skype, if I'm online, at OfficeHoursCC.

Turning off a Pacemaker...

Should doctors follow a woman's request to have her pacemaker deactivated?  Read about it HERE.

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Also, we have adorable bears on our own continent.  Why import stupid high-rent bears???




Friday, September 30, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

First Three Person Baby Born

Check this out.  Is it an on-ramp to something we should worry about?  Or is it a wonderful new way to make it possible for us to avoid defects and diseases?  Or both?  Read about it HERE.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

And about Dolphins

No comment.  It's all HERE.

On Horrible Pandas


An article, British, about scandalous, horrible, Panda rental.  The situation is the same for every country who wants pandas.    HERE


An article grading different animals.  Pandas:  F         HERE


Seriously.    HERE

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

On Being Vegetarian

I don't talk about myself in class much, but several of you have asked me about being a vegetarian, so I thought I'd just add a quick note about it here.  This was not a quick transition for me, and it was not simple.  It would be misleading to say that I had one reason or one moment where I made up my mind.  Eating meat is part of my culture and my family traditions.  Also, some of my very favorite meals were meat-based.  Here's how I'd summarize my thinking now:  the taste of meat is not worth the suffering it causes.  Also, even if there were no suffering at all, it still seems to me to be wrong to end the life of a creature with its own aims and desires, solely for my momentary pleasure.  Sentient life seems to be rare in the universe.  I want to respect it as much as I can.  I could say a lot more, but that's the gist of it.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Making Babies without Eggs

No need for eggs.  Somewhere about fifteen years ago, sperm were similarly made superfluous.  Interesting post-human days ahead...?   Read it HERE.

Very Important

This kangaroo was rescued after something happened to its mother.  Now it is being slowly acclimated to the wild, allowed to come and go as it pleases from the rescue center.  It still comes back regularly to hug its teddybear:  HERE


I'm in danger of worrying too much about this.  But maybe it's the right kind of thing to worry too much about.  I'm not conservative like Kass or Fukuyama.  But I always worry when someone dismisses a concern without showing that they understand the concern.  And Bostrom does that.

And I don't feel like I know how to invoke a sense of dignity.  So it's frustrating to not know how to shine a light on the problem with Bostrom.

As it turns out, whether or not we want a "posthuman" future, we've got one coming to us.  Medicine will constantly improve.  Technology will become more and more part of our lives, and our lifestyles, and our bodies and minds.  The only thing that will stop it, I think, is some combination of war and environmental destruction that wipes us out (and that's where my bet is, really).

When Copernicus said that we were not at the center of the universe, and Darwin said that we were not at some special center of God's creation, and Nietzsche said that Judeo-Christian morality is really a sign of a dying cultural life-force, Freud said that we are not creatures possessed of a guiding and divine-like rationality, and Marx said that our relationships and values and social structure were all really driven by money....  

All of these kinds of moments displace the human from some specialness.  They disillusion and disenchant us about ourselves.  They move us more toward the animal.

Meanwhile, technology, all along, has been moving us more toward the machine.

Both are happening all the time.  Moving us away from a picture of ourselves as godlike creatures of goodness and freewill.

Now maybe that's just us:  a tool using animal that puts on airs, dreams of itself as godlike.

Maybe, as some of you suggested, there's some new form of specialness, storing itself up even now.  I feel doubtful, but who knows?

Maybe the thing to know is that now, these days, we have it in our power to change, in deep ways, the kind of creature we are, very very rapidly.  It is happening, we are doing it, and we have no overarching vision or plan--or even real comprehension---to guide us.

Should that utter lack of light convince us to slow down?  That's a question.  It will feel like refusing to make progress.  Irrational.  But just as we lower our voices at a funeral, without really knowing why, it may be that we should hit the pause button on some technological advances, to give ourselves a chance to breathe.

OK, dissertation over.  Comments welcome.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Belgian Youth Assisted to End Life

Here's a report on euthanasia in Belgium.  It's one of the first times that a minor was allowed to be assisted to end his life.  You can read about it HERE.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Freedom Overload

Madi suggested this TED Talk to me, and it is quite interesting, all about the effects of having too many choices.  I don't know if I endorse the whole message, but it is very interesting and relevant to our class.    HERE

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

On Statins

Statins benefits underestimated, review says

(Paste the link into your browser window.)


Nicotine and the NOCEBO effect

Interesting article about how what you know can hurt you:  HERE.