Wednesday, September 14, 2016

On Statins

Statins benefits underestimated, review says

(Paste the link into your browser window.)



  1. The author is replying to the claim made in the Lancet that while statins lower cholesterol, heart attack risk, and stroke risk in patients, healthy people are unnecessarily taking the medication. The side effect risk of leg pain is minimal and easily controlled by not taking the medication, but the risk of a debilitating heart attack rises once medication is discontinued.
    From the data presented, I wonder why people choose to not take statins when they have a high risk for "major cardiovascular events." Is it the risk of side effects? The lack of urgency concerning their health? Are they delusional concerning? Or is it the skewed information given by the media on the topic?
    -Anna Sharabura

  2. On the one hand, the risk of side effects has recently become big news. On the other hand, there's still something imprecise in our understanding of the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease. So as a result, doctors have pulled back a bit. Too much--apparently...


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