Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Genetic "Editing" Might Be OK

Coming soon to a lab near you.  This is a big deal.   Listen HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Recent research (using the CRISPR-Cas9 system as well) has been released that we may be able to create mammoth embryos in the next couple of years. (Just embryos, nothing about bringing the animal to term yet, but still I really want to ride a mammoth) I find it interesting that this Jurassic Park-like scenario has not been met with as much controversy as the potential to edit human germ-line embryos even just to combat disease. We seem to be more concerned with oversight and restrictions with human genomic modification as opposed to creating chimeras or resurrecting extinct animals. This opens an interesting discourse on the moral distinctions between editing the human genome as opposed to animal genomes (even extinct ones). - Elizabeth Stapper


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