Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Supreme Court Nominee on Assisted Suicide

Neil Gorsuch is in the news as President Trump's nominee to fill the vacancy on the US Supreme Court.  It is interesting to note that Gorsuch has written a well-regarded book on assisted suicide.  A quick overview:  HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Personally I have a large number of complaints and disagreements with just the synopsis of this book. What I found most absurd was the following quote regarding the aftermath of legalized assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, "there remains little rational basis for keeping anyone from seeking euthanasia or assistance in committing suicide." If a person really wants to die, they will kill themselves. People receive terminal diagnoses every day and are not going out and committing suicide on the spot. They find something that they believe is worth continuing to live. And if they so happen to decide that they want to pass on their own terms, not in pain, I believe that is entirely their right. Especially when you consider just how similar that situation is to how most of us will die without pain in a hospital due to natural causes.
    -Ryan Tumminello


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