Monday, March 6, 2017

Bionic Limbs

On the one hand, I don't feel like I have the right to tell someone to stay.  But I think I would try to make sure that they understood the rate of change.  Maybe it wouldn't matter.  Maybe it would.

Pop into this in a few places:  HERE


  1. I was pretty pumped watching this video, seems like an awesome advance for science, especially her capability to feel the prosthetic. It seems like the world would be a better place if star wars-like prosthetics were an option for amputees. At the end of the video, they mention the possibility of functioning robots or adding robotic parts to people who do not need them medically. I'm excited about the potential of extending life and cyborg superheroes, but my biggest concern lies with the potential of hacking. The recent Wikileaks release emphasizes the capacity for hacking of technological devices and legitimizes this fear. Without significant advancements in the protection of devices from remote hacking, further research on these prosthetics will be stopped or slowed based on this fear. - Elizabeth Stapper

  2. This is amazing. If this wouldn't have encouraged Chris Hill to want to stay alive, then I don't know what would. This would completely change the lives of people who receive limb amputations. But Elizabeth brings up a good concern I didn't really think about--hacking. From a medical standpoint, this is amazing, but it is a bit concerning for people without the medical needs to get them. I don't know.


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