Thursday, March 2, 2017

Embryo Riddles!

How long should they be allowed to grow...?   Read about it HERE.


  1. I am a little confused about the suggestion to use embryos which are destined to be destroyed anyway, like those obtained from people who have infertility treatment. I guess I don't know enough about how infertility treatment works? Like are these embryos actually viable or do they have defects? Are they harmed by these infertility treatments? Would they even be accurate models of how embryos develop? And how are they obtained? If these are viable, I don't understand how they are morally different than using other embryos, other than these are unwanted. If they still have the potential to develop into a human, the same basic moral principles should apply.

  2. I actually disagree with Elizabeth. There are normal embryos but just not needed. If there are going to destroy them anyway, I think it would be fine to do research on them. I also think scientists should be allowed to go farther in scientific research on embryos but I agree it does make me nervous not to have a stopping point. However, if a lot of good could come out of it, especially with the embryoids so I think research should continue.
    -Cara Schwab


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