Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Non-voluntary Euthanasia?

Just a very sad and difficult situation.  Note that the court decided against the parents.  What seems to be its reasoning for over-ruling their wishes?  HERE.


  1. This is obviously a very complicated situation fueled by highly charged emotions. The parent's obviously want what is best for their child, but in this extremely rare circumstance that may actually be euthanasia. The doctors' main goals are to lessen pain and suffer and increase the quality of life in a situation where there is no realistic cure. I imagine that the doctors believe that parents will eventually see that they also want Charlie not to suffer, they just have a different strategy to accomplish this goal.

  2. In the last few paragraphs of the article, multiple officials reportedly claimed that, given Charlie's condition, his quality of life would be too poor, and that continuing experimental treatment would only prolong dying. It is heartbreaking to see the parents facing this sort of resistance from the court considering the parents are doing everything they can to take care of their sick child, despite the "great weight" that they are said to carry. I think the physician's decision for suggesting euthanasia as a way to help Charlie and his family could have partially been based on the suffering he has seen other patients endure in the past. Given that, without experimental treatment, it is hard for me to argue against it being the case that Charlie's chance at a longer life is drastically reduced

  3. I agree with the judges ruling on this case based on the doctors and medical officials judgements of his quality of life. This experimental treatment seems to offer little hope and only prolongs his pain. While I think a parent's wishes are important, they are clearly clouded by their emotions. Regardless of how much weight their wishes hold, the overwhelming evidence and recognition of the suffering of the infant outweighs their wishes.

  4. This is truly devastating for the parents, but I have to agree with the judge's ruling as well. It must be hard for the parents to admit that the little life their son would have would be completely filled with pain, and it is extremely hard to come to terms with the fact that what is best for your newborn is euthanasia.


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