Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Trade in Human Organs

Watch the video.  Disturbing.  Here


  1. This is pretty crazy! There are so many other factors involved besides just wanting to be healthy like poverty, wars, and national conflicts. It really is sad how people are being taken advantage of by forcing to choose between their security and donating organs. I guess the benefits really are worth the risk in this case. I wonder what it would take to stop something like this? At this point, it seems so huge, that almost nothing can be done... I guess the next question, is what can we do to stop this from occurring in the U.S. and other nations?

  2. Like Victoria, I noticed that a lot of other factors were playing into people wanting to donate their kidney, especially the promise of a better life. While I'm not 100% against selling organs, the system in Egypt now with the black market organ sales is not working and it is dangerous.
    -Cara Schwab

  3. Like Victoria mentioned, this system seems to be built on desperation. It takes advantage of the buyers, who just want to be healthy again, and sellers, who seem to do this for a variety of factors as Victoria and Cara have mentioned. This desperation makes the risks worthwhile. Perhaps, for reasons like this, it would be better to have a legal, established system where people could buy and sell kidneys in a regulated way. Maybe this would allow for motive assessments and more informative conversations for the donors, so that they could be fully aware of the risks.
    -Elizabeth Soo


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