Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Surge in STDs

Read about it here:  LINK


  1. This article makes some interesting claims. One claim that particularly stood out to me was the believed correlation between the usage of PrEP and increased levels of common STD/STIs due to the idea that since PrEP has been known to prevent HIV/AIDS that unprotected sex is now safer. We had discussed in class about how the general public is now less open about their personal health than they might have been at a time before and how this phenomenon may have contributed to the rise of STD/STIs, but we never really considered how we may put too much trust in modern technology and preventatives to keep us safe from our risky behaviors.


    1. I think Hueseng brought up a nice point about how we have put too much trust in technology and this makes people feel more comfortable making risky decisions. I think society is going to have to start talking about these problems more openly again. I have seen some of this discussion begin on some ads, but it needs to be delved into much more.


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