Monday, January 23, 2017

How do You Want to Die?

Read about one woman's choice:  HERE.


  1. The most impressive thing about this story to me was the fact that she took her diagnosis so well 48 hours after losing her husband. Obviously this woman put some serious thought into how she wanted to spend the end of her life, and was able to achieve that dream surrounded by loved ones. - Ryan Tumminello

  2. I think this perfectly illustrates why it's so important that the patient has the choice whether to accept treatment. The treatment would have been long and hard for her and probably could still end in death down the road. For this lady, living a fulfilling and adventurous end of her life was more valuable than living longer and in pain. There's nothing irrational about that. I especially don't see any irrational fear that feeds her desire in this story. I'd say she's brave.
    -Rachel Shepherd

  3. This story makes me wonder if the woman had been contemplating how she would handle this news for a while. The diagnosis was what she needed to fulfill this desire. This woman knew that her quality of life would be much better off if she spent her last bit of her life traveling with her son rather than undergoing painful therapy. Her choice was the most optimal one given her age and the type of illness.

  4. I think that these are the cases that go against Savulescu's argument. He would likely argue that her decision was not autonomous and driven by either fear of a painful treatment or grief after the loss of her husband. However, I think that she was aware of her options and exercised her right to choose. Rather than spend what likely would have been her last moments in a hospital bed, she traveled and spent her time surrounded by family.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I found this story inspiring. She was able to spend quality time with the ones she loved and make the most of the rest of
    her life. In this way, she was able to take control of her life as opposed to the alternative. Although her life possibly could have been prolonged, she would have had little control over it.


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