Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Read it:  HERE


  1. It is really encouraging to know that so many people were exposed to this uplifting video before she passed. Cancer is a topic that is avoided so avidly that when people encounter cancer patients they have no earthly idea how to interact with them. I feel that we all need to be reminded that cancer patients are still people, and this video was able to do just that. - Ryan Tumminello

  2. This article goes along with one of the passages we have read about the false information regarding patients QoL after receiving news of a terminal illness. This case just proves to us that some patients with these illnesses are actually inclined to enjoy more life because they never realize if this could be their last day on this Earth. This alone provides them enough reason to enjoy every moment they are alive. Her case is a great example to show patients who just want to give up. Fight the long fight.


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