Thursday, August 31, 2017

Truth Telling and Cultural Differences

Check out this episode of This American Life.   I am linking you to the text HERE.   If you prefer to listen, the audio is HERE

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Assignment for Friday, Sept., 1

Read and summarize 642-653.  You are now on notice about the possibility of quizzes.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Assignment for Monday, Aug. 28

Read the next article and produce a summary and bring it to class.  No excuses. 
(That would be pages 621-627, by Roger Higgs.)

(If you already did this, just skim the article again, so you're fresh for our discussion.)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Assignment for Friday, Aug. 25

I won't always post assignments here.  Mostly I post items for comment and discussion.  So please do browse through prior posts, make comments, etc.  Sign your posts, too, please.  In order to keep the discussion Hendrix-based, I delete comments that are unfamiliar or unsigned.

Now then, for Friday:

1)  Read 615-621  (this is corrected from what I wrote here earlier.  see my email to you.)

2)  Summarize it.

(A summary is NO MORE than one page long.  It is printed out.  It is single spaced.  It captures the main point and argument of the reading.  Do this as _clearly_ as you can.)

3)  Plan for the printer to fail.  It will.  And I will not accept a late summary.  Your only option is to get it done early, so that you can deal with the printer problem and still make it to class with the summary.

4)  You'll get a syllabus soon.  But #3 is important in this way:  missed assignments (even if it was the damned printer's fault) cost you points off your FINAL grade.  You have 100 points right now.   Don't lose any.  More on that soon.

Vaginal Seeding

A good example of an approach based on a theory that sounds perfectly sensible.  But what makes something perfectly sensible?  Read about it HERE.