Saturday, August 26, 2017

Circumcision and Ethics in Denmark

Read about it HERE.    Comments?


  1. For some reasons, the individual right argument seems a bit contradicting to me. The kids should have the right to make decisions about what they want to do to themselves, yet most decisions before 18 must receive consent from their parents. I guess I can kind of see where this argument is coming from though, since the procedure will lead to a perminant bodyalteration.
    At any rate, I'm not sure if I agree with making this procedure illegal for kids under age of 18. Like other issues e.g. abortion, banning it is not going to stop people getting it. I think they should instead come up with certain health guideline for parents and children, so they can make an informed decision, and have the procedure done safely.

  2. Circumcision is painful, places newborns at risk of infection, and increases the risk of HIV transmission later in life. In light of that, I think that decreasing circumcision rates, especially in places like here in America where most newborns (somewhere between 76%-92% according to WHO) are circumcised is a good idea. Like Sai, I'm not sure where I stand on making it illegal,considering the importance of the tradition in certain religions. A public health campaign might be better.

  3. During the child's first years of life the parent makes all of the decisions. And I believe this shouldn't be any different. If a parent wants their child to be circumcised then they shouldn't have anyone tell them they can't make that choice. If a parent believes that circumcision decreases health problems then they should be allowed to move forward with that decision because that is what they think is best for their child. Also when a child is in the first stages of it's life they won't remember the pain that came with the procedure.

  4. Clinical studies have suggest that circumcision actually decreases the change of contracting HIV, though, tho be fair, better hygiene was found to be just as effective, and corcumcision only protects men from the STDs. However, I still think it should be the boy's choice, not his parents. I guess I cannot understand how anyone could be against female genital mutilation (which I assume everyone in this class is) but support male circumcision

    1. Thanks Maren! It must have been a while since I looked up the HIV study and I guess I remembered it wrong.


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