Friday, September 8, 2017

Assignment for Mon., Sept. 11

OK, we’re going off-road.  I want to try to weigh Savulescu’s very stringent criteria for autonomy against a famous case.  

(This is something you should get to soon.)

So first, read THIS.

Then re-read Savalescu (or parts of it).

And then write a two-page (max) thing.  

One page is how Savalescu would handle Cowart’s case—this is to show me that you get Savalescu.  

Then the second page is about whether or not you’d handle (or think about) Cowart’s case in the same way (as Savalescu).  And why.  

So that’s two pages MAX.  Single or double spaced—I never care about that, I care about number of pages MAX.  
Due Monday.  In class.  No lateness accepted.

Looking forward to our discussion.


PS:  There are also some good videos (on YouTube) of Dax Cowart talking about his case, and you are free to consult those to get a fuller idea of his stance on things.

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