Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Assignment for Wednesday, Sept. 27 (Part 2)

Remembering that class is cancelled on Wednesday...so this assignment is FOR FRIDAY.

(You know, here's another way to test intentions.  I don't claim that it holds for every case.  Suppose that You were near the end of a terminal illness, and a doctor had agreed to help you end your life on his next visit.  Then suppose that she shows up at the next visit to find that you had recovered.  I reckon that if you said, oh well, I guess we still have to end my life, since we agreed to it, the doctor might well say:  I agreed to help on the condition that you were already close to death--I had no wish to help you die outside of those circumstances!)

Anyway, that's just me trying to think through whether or not Rachels is right about euthanasia being about the best way to end a life, given that ending it is judged to be the right thing to do.

For FRIDAY, read and summarize:  257-260

Short and complicated.

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