Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Same Sex Couple Carries Same Baby

This is a fascinating idea, certainly unimaginable even a short time ago.

Thanks to Maggie for the link:  HERE.

Amputees and Halloween

At first I thought that this was just funny.  Now I'm not sure what to think:  HERE.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Intersex Life

This is so complicated.  But my first impulse is always to wonder what we could do to change the world before resorting to changing the body...  HERE.

Trojan Horse Antibiotic

We probably can't count on too many more of these breakthroughs.  Better practices would solve a lot of problems:  HERE.

Trolley Problem Applications in Real Life Damn It


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

More on Uteruses and the Right to Gestate

Thanks to Sydney for finding this.  The mind boggles at the scope of the ethical landscape to be explored.  It makes me think even more about the need to ask hard and honest questions about the idea that infertility is a "problem" that needs a technological "fix."

Fascinating:  HERE.