Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Amputees and Halloween

At first I thought that this was just funny.  Now I'm not sure what to think:  HERE.


  1. I am curious about the comments and if people are offended about people making light of the situation or if they are positive about the costumes. I like the fact that these people gain confidence in this holiday in regards to their disability.

  2. I think it is awesome that these people with disabilities of one sort or another are so confident in their bodies that they can bring light to their situation. I understand that people that may recently have become an amputee could be offended by this, but I also feel that it could serve as a beacon of hope for how confident they could become.

  3. Individuals living in bodies that are perceived as “not normal” might be expected by society to be self-conscious and reserved. But I think it serves as a positive example for themselves as well as onlookers in potentially similar positions that they are able to embrace their given circumstances for Halloween. It also potentially provides in-sight into their minds and how while the rest of society might “pity” them for their disabilities, they are adjusted/comfortable with their bodies.

  4. I am really happy that these people are able to make the best of their bodies. I would hope that this wouldn't offend anyone, even those with recent amputations. You may as well do something cool for halloween that most people can't do! Kudos to them for their fun ideas each year.


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