Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Same Sex Couple Carries Same Baby

This is a fascinating idea, certainly unimaginable even a short time ago.

Thanks to Maggie for the link:  HERE.


  1. This technique of IVF is an interesting alternative to tradition reciprocal IVF. I like how the two mothers are both able to take part in the gestation period, in a way given the two women an equal sense of contributing to the child's life.

  2. I imagine this technique provided the women with a sense of connection to the child that would be different if only one of them had taken part in the process. Also I imagine that this strengthened the connection between the women as well in that they underwent this together.

  3. I am happy for this family since they were able to get what they wanted, but I still think they could have moved past the 'biological or bust' mentality. They would still be able to have a child they love, but without all the expenses that come with IVF. Especially, since there are so many children that need to be adopted. I can understand the desire to make your own baby, but it sometimes seems shallow to be so determined for the baby to carry your own genetics.


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